

M1Pool configuration contract, risk control and administrator operations.

Write Methods


function setM1CollateralBorrowing(address collateralAddress, bool enabled) external override onlyRiskOrPoolAdmins

Set whether this type of collateral pool is available for re-borrowing in M1Pool

Call Params


function setM1CollateralActive(address collateralAddress, bool enabled) external override onlyRiskOrPoolAdmin

Set whether the collateral pool of this type can be active again in M1Pool

Call Params


function setM1CollateralFrozen(address collateralAddress, bool enabled) external override onlyRiskOrPoolAdmins

Set whether the collateral pool of this type can be frozen in M1Pool or not

Call Params


function setM1CollateralMaxBorrowLimitInBaseCurrency(address collateralAddress, uint256 quantity) external override onlyRiskOrPoolAdmins

Set the maximum amount of USD value that can be borrowed for this type of asset.

Call Params


function setM1CollateralLiquidationThreshold(address collateralAddress, uint256 liquidationThreshold, uint256 liquidationBonus) external override onlyRiskOrPoolAdmins

Set the parameters of LiquidationThreshold for this type of collateral pool.

Call Params


function setM1CollateralFactor(address collateralAddress, uint256 factor) external override onlyRiskOrPoolAdmins

Call Params


function addM1CollateralAsset(address collateralAddress, address asset) external override onlyRiskOrPoolAdmins

Add a lendable asset to a particular collateral pool (the asset must be in Pool)

Call Params


function setM1CollateralAssetBorrowing(address collateralAddress, address asset, bool enabled) external override onlyRiskOrPoolAdmins

To set the available borrowing asset for a collateral asset

Call Params


function setM1CollateralAssetPaused(address collateralAddress, address asset, bool enabled) external override onlyRiskOrPoolAdmins

To set collateral asset paused

Call Params


function setM1CollateralAssetFrozen(address collateralAddress, address asset, bool enabled) external override onlyRiskOrPoolAdmins

When an asset is frozen, all function will be frozen

Call Params


function setM1EModeCategory( uint8 categoryId, uint16 ltv, uint16 liquidationThreshold, uint16 liquidationBonus, address oracle, string calldata label ) external override onlyRiskOrPoolAdmins

Set the perameters for E-mode

Call Params


function setCollateralEModeCategory(address collateralAddress, uint8 newCategoryId) external override onlyRiskOrPoolAdmins

set E-mode for a specifical collateral asset.

Call Params

View Methods


function getM1Configuration(address collateralAddress) external view virtual override returns (DataTypes.M1CollateralConfiguration memory)

Check the basic configuration of the collateral pool

Call Params

Return value


function getM1AssetConfigruation(address collateralAddress, address asset) external view override returns (DataTypes.M1AssetConfiguration memory)

Check the configuration of an asset in this collateral pool

Call Params

Return Value


function getM1CollateralAssetsList(address collateralAddress) external view override returns (address[] memory)

Get a collection of lending asset addresses backed by this collateralized lending pool.

Call Params

Return Values


function getM1CollateralList() external view returns (address[] memory)

Query contract addresses of all collateral pools supported by M1Pool

Return Values


function getM1EModeCategoryData(uint8 id) external view returns (DataTypes.EModeCategory memory)

Get the configuration information of E-mode according to E-mode id

Last updated