

The M1Pool.sol contract is the main user facing contract of the protocol. It exposes the liquidity management methods that can be invoked using either Solidity or Web3 libraries.

Write Methods


function borrowM1( address collateralAddress, uint256 collateralAmount, address asset, uint256 amount, uint256 interestRateMode, uint16 referralCode, address onBehalfOf ) external

User can borrow the amount of asset by collateral the collateralAddress asset to M1Pool

When borrowM1, the M1Pool contract must have** allowance() to spend funds on behalf of msg.sender ** for at-least** amount ** for the** asset **being supplied. This can be done via the standard ERC20/ERC721 approve() method on the underlying token contract.

Referral program is currently inactive, you can pass 0 as referralCode . This program may be activated in the future through an Aave governance proposal.

Call Params


function addCollateral(uint256 userRecordId, uint256 collateralAmount) external

Call Params


function reduceCollateral(uint256 userRecordId, uint256 collateralAmount) external

Call Params


function extraBorrowM1(uint256 userRecordId, uint256 amount,address onBehalfOf) external

Call Params


function repayM1( address collateralAddress, uint256 userRecordId, address asset, uint256 amount, address onBehalfOf ) external

Call Params


function liquidationCallM1( uint256 recordId ) external

Liquidation operation based on the record ID generated by the collateral, anyone can call this interface when the collateral record triggers the liquidation.

Call Params

View Methods


function checkCanLiquidation(uint256 recordId) external view returns ( uint256 currentCollateralValueInBaseCurrency, uint256 collateralDebt, uint256 collateralDebtInBaseCurrency, uint256 liquidationThreshold, uint256 collateralCurrentRatio)

Check if the collateral record has been liquidated against the record ID

Return Values


function getUserRecordIds(address user) external view returns (uint256[] memory)

Get information about how many collateral records the user has based on the user's address

Call Params

Return Values


function getRecordDetails(uint256 recordId) external view returns (DataTypes.M1LoadAssetDetails memory)

Get the collateral details based on the collateral record ID.


function getM1UserTotalLoadAssetInfo(address user, address asset) external view returns (DataTypes.M1UserLoadAssetInfo memory)

Get the total number of debts for which the user borrowed a certain asset

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